Manisha Mehta Manisha Mehta

Self-acceptance and Yoga

Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. – Lao Tzu

During the Hatha Yoga classes, I keep reminding the students to have a practice of self-acceptance rather than a goal oriented practice. Accept what your body can do and be grateful for that. Know its limits and don't judge yourself. This does not mean that you are not progressing in how you do a particular pose. All it means is that you are appreciating the posture for its own beauty and what it brings you each day. Amazing things happen with body and mind when you are self accepting! The body starts opening up. the mind is more calm and overall the practice becomes like meditation in motion! 

Frustration due to in ability to do a certain pose is because our ego gets hurt when our expectations/desires are not met. The mind which is responsible for our thoughts and impulses,is naturally inclined to egoism (asmita). Yoga eradicates these conflicting thoughts by controlling the mind, emotions and reason.

The practice of yoga aims to overcome the limitations of the body. With time and disciplined practice, yoga asanas cure the unsteadiness (angamejaytatva) and uneven breathing (shavasa-prashvasa) in the body. Yoga illuminates your life. Regular practice will bring you to look at yourself and your goals in a new light.

So, let go of any resistance and ego while practicing a back bend or  balancing in a tree pose.

Accept who you are, breathe and let it be...

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Manisha Mehta Manisha Mehta

Sitting on the floor. Ouch!!


As a child growing up in India I remember sitting on the floor for all kinds of activities, including eating, writing, reading and playing several indoor games. Sitting on the floor and performing all the above mentioned activities required us to lift our backs, arch our spines slightly and fold forward a few inches in order to complete the activity successfully. My paternal grandmother always extolled the benefits of sitting or squatting on the floor and decried the use of chairs and tables. But peer pressure and being scoffed at by friends for sitting on the floor, often compelled us to use the chairs.

 Today, comfortable chairs and sofas have made it rather impossible for our bodies to squat on the floor for even 5 minutes. We look for a back rest or wish to stretch out the legs with a desire to relieve aching back, hips or numbing feet. The reason is that sitting on chairs leads to muscle wasting and sarcopenia, leading to poor limb muscle strength and poor trunk flexibility.

Try yoga poses and stretches to strengthen the quads, lower back and hamstrings that would help in a smooth sit-rise transition.

My take home message? Spend more time sitting on the floor!  You can think of adapting one sitting pose and incorporating others gradually. Practice rising up first with a suitable support until you are able to stand up unaided.

If you haven't already spent a lot of time sitting on the floor in a crossed-legs position (or any seated position where your legs are externally rotated), it might be best for you to start with shorter time periods on the floor and work up to longer periods, rather than simply changing all your seated activities to the floor. This is to prevent the possibility of injury due to over-stretching your hip and thigh muscles. Also, consider using a cushion or folded blanket under your sitting bones. And if you have hip, knee, or any other problems that prevent you from being comfortable in a crossed-legs position, feel free to experiment with propping or other seated positions that work for your body.


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Manisha Mehta Manisha Mehta

Corporate Yoga session with Jet Lube team

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A team of 6 colleagues came to SUN YOGA studio with big smiles and an enthusiasm to enter the relaxing and energizing world of yoga! They came in every Wednesday after work, tired and exhausted after a long day, and after 75 minutes of yoga, felt recharged and relaxed to go home. While a few were familiar with Downward Dog and Child's Pose, for the others it was their very first time on the yoga mat! 

As an instructor, I loved their energy which encouraged me to give them more in every class through customized yoga lessons specifically for this group. 

Here's what the Jet-Lube yogis have to say about their Corporate yoga classes at SUN YOGA:

"We had heard a lot about the benefits of Yoga so together with a group of colleagues we decided to give Yoga a try together. It made perfect sense for us to contact Manisha at Sun Yoga as her studio is right across the street from our office in South Edmonton. We were a small group of only six that attended the sessions, however the studio nicely accommodated us all with room to spare.  The sessions themselves were relaxing and enlightening. Each session we learned something new to help us in our day-to-day lives.  The handouts given at each session have been a wonderful tool to help with our continued practice at home and/or at work. On behalf of the Jet-Lube of Canada Yogis, we want to say “Thank-You” to Manisha, for bringing us together and showing us how even something as simple as focused breathing can help us to get through our days and deal with everyday workplace stress. Our shared experience at Sun Yoga has been incredible and fulfilling.  Namaste. "



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Manisha Mehta Manisha Mehta


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Special yoga class for LADIES ONLY. 

For all the hardworking women out there, SUN YOGA offers an evening yoga class. After your day is done, come and relax and give 1 hour to yourself. You all deserve this!


Location: South SUN YOGA studio. #8 (2nd floor) 3908- 97 St. 

Instructor: Priya D.

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Manisha Mehta Manisha Mehta

FREE 3- VISIT PASS! For limited time only.


 Fall in love with yoga this fall. 

SUN YOGA is offering a FREE 3- Visit Pass to new students for a limited time only* !!

Hurry, use it for yourself or give it to a friend who has always wanted to try yoga.

* September 1 - October 31, 2015.

One pass per person. Pass is valid at both south or north SUN YOGA studio.

 Free Pass cannot be combined with the Special Introductory offer.

For inquiries please call 780.937.3402


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