Yoga teaches Forebearance.


Life is an ongoing experience of Pleasure and Pain. All the time we are seeking Pleasure and running away from Pain.

Experience some form of pleasure or pain --->  dwell on them (dwelling is nothing but fancying or dreaming about them) ----->  dream to increase pleasure and decrease pain ----->  this results in all sorts of conclusions & confusion ----> feel bound & trapped ----> the cycle goes on...

Solution to the problem? -  Not to dwell on Pleasure & Pain

Then do what? - Cheerfully accept pleasure & pain alike. This is called Forbearance. This is not a sign of weakness but is in fact a sign of strength. Because one is strong enough not to allow an event to mow you down. Weak people are swept off due to pressure of emotions. There is difference in cheerful acceptance and just putting up with things. The earlier attitude is born of understanding the truth, while the latter is due to the feeling that there is no other alternative.

But why?? - Because, pleasure & pain are fruits or results of actions done previously. This is the Law of Nature. The result has arrived now and we are experiencing it. It cannot change. You can change only what you do now, at this moment. 

What happens with this attitude?-  Forbearance adds to inner strength. Resisting, complaining and fighting against the pain  makes us weaker with every event. Even if one was to successfully maneuver one's way out pf the painful event, one would be a loser, because the conflict is within oneself regarding oneself.

Yoga teaches us Forbearance as the highest form of Sadhana. It is an advanced form of yoga practice. Being able to do difficult poses is not advanced yoga if we cannot practice forbearance and accept all situations, things and beings as equal. 

Understand the truth and be happy:)





Relieve spring allergies with Yoga


WRIST PROBLEMS- Pose modifications